Are you bullish on BASE?

Blur Founder Doxxed

GM Scoop Family. You've been missed. Now let's dive in.



  • Dashboard To Detect Potential NFT Hacks Created

  • One of BLUR's Founders Doxxed

  • Spotify Token Playlists


  • New Coinbase Chain

  • Reddit Founder's ETH Gain

  • SBF Influence


  • China Clamps Down On GPT Access

  • Apple's New Idea Reaches Proof of Concept Stage


  • NFT Total Market Cap - $22.97B - 7 day change +0.79%

  • Volume Traded Prev 7 Days - $915M +184.25%

The ship is holding steady in NFT land, The market cap, volume & sentiment are remaining healthy. Remember we have come a long way since the depths of hades. With NFT Paris this weekend, If history tells us anything, it's that large events and conferences spark excitement and confidence in the markets.

Keep your eye on NFT Twitter this weekend, we expect to see a number of projects release some bullish updates & developments for the year ahead.

Triple Scoop Interview with the Founders behind AI Arena

  • Web3 AI gaming project that is pushing the boundaries of what is possible with gaming. They are set to disrupt the Esports market.

Dashboard To Detect Potential NFT Hacks Created

We are all sick to death of hacks so this new feature to assist with identifying them is welcomed.

The team behind the crypto wallet, ZenGo, created a live-time dashboard which lets community members detect, track, and monitor potential NFT hacks.

How the dashboard works is that they have created a hack detector which compares realized trades in the marketplace against the trade amount of the collection's floor price.

If the ratio is too low, it will get flagged as a potential hack.

To date, the dashboard has managed to flag over $20m worth of NFTs hacked.

One of BLUR's Founders Doxxed

Maybe he was gearing up for the new Meta Verified concept and thought if he is getting his Government ID ready for Zuckerberg, he may as well for the huge community he has built.

One of the founders of The NFT Marketplace BLUR, Pacman, has revealed his identity following crypto-twitter going full detective.

Pacman was the name he chose to go by in Web3, his IRL name is Tieshun Roquerre and he is a 24-year-old software engineer who dropped out of high school.

He released the following thread which details all.

You can read it here.

Spotify Token Playlists

NFTs and Music, rhythmic.

It's not a surprise to see the Metaverse Music Group Kingship behind this story.

They have teamed up with Spotify to pilot playlists that can only be unlocked through NFTs.

They have already released the first playlist which can only be accessed by Kingship key card NFT holders.

Is this the blueprint for how music can easily be transitioned into Web3? instead of purchasing albums you simply purchase a token / NFT to get access. It makes sense so let's see how this pans out.

They released a step by step guide which can be read here.


  • Global Cryptocurrency $1.14 Trillion - 24/hour change -1.47%

  • Volume Traded 24/hours - $231.34 Billion -5.08%

The Crypto markets have been feeling bullish recently, We have witnessed steady climbs in Bitcoin & Ethereum & due to that altcoins have been popping off as of late, certainly those within the Arbitrum ecosystem (Eth Layer2). For now, the market is letting off some steam and delivering a healthy correction.

With the price of Bitcoin just shy of $24,000 it needs to confidently break $25,000 to regain strength & charge up the bulls once more, following that we should see a magnet up to the $27-$30k range should this happen then expect to see ALT coins rally hard in the aftermath.

One trending narrative we recommend looking out for is tokens that fall within the LSD narrative. No, we are not talking about the Drug...

LSD in crypto land stands for liquid staking derivatives. We are approaching a major upgrade for Ethereum the 'Shanghai upgrade', which will allow ETH stakes to withdraw their assets. Liquid staking derivates offer a solution allowing holders to pool together and participate in staking, but not only that, once assets are staked, LSD protocols provide a 1:1 token in exchange for staked assets which users can then use in other Defi protocols to gain yield, thus providing more liquidity for staked ETH.

Other upcoming narratives to be aware of:

  • AI tokens

  • ZK (Zero Knowledge) tokens

New Coinbase Chain

Base has been born and its birth could pave the way for a very good future.

"Base is an Ethereum L2 that offers a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly way for anyone, anywhere, to build decentralized apps"

Their goal is to make on-chain the next online and onboard over 1bn users into the cryptoeconomy.

They are secured by Ethereum and empowered by Coinbase so we are of course very bullish on this.

Read about the reveal here.

Reddit Founder's ETH Gain

Obtaining generational wealth is a goal for many within this space and this story will justify how you may be sitting on a gold mine waiting to explode.

Roll back the clocks to 2014, Happy was the song of the year and Matthew McConaughey won an Oscar for the best actor.

What was also happening in 2014 was Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian loading up on Ethereum. 50,000 ETH was purchased for a total cost of $15,000

Now back in 2023, Ohanian shared his story in an interview with Forbes.

At the time of writing, this $15,000 investment is worth today $80m and if the same investment was sold at the top price, Ohanian could have fetched $230m

We hope that this creates a bullish intent in the space, you may be sitting on the next boom, or even yet, the next boom may not even be here yet but whatever happens, let's check back in 2030 and hope we all make that 5600x.

Remember though, DYOR.

SBF Influence

Just when we managed to get rid of the guy from our newsletter he is back creating headlines that leave us no option but to share.

The FTX founder now faces an additional 4 new criminal charges which include unlawful political donations. These new charges bring a possible additional 40 years on his potential sentence which now stands at 155 years.

The issue regarding political donations is that they are directly linked to purchasing influence over cryptocurrency regulation. The contributions have been deemed illegal but SBF was ever so generous in trying to get his way regarding regulation so donations were made to both Republicans and Democrats.

The politicians haven't been named but we are sure they are cooking up a cold sweat.


China Clamps Down On GPT Access

They have previous for this kind of behaviour so it should not come as a surprise.

Chinese regulators have clamped down on access to ChatGPT. The country is instead striving towards an alternative to the technology with the development of domestic artificial intelligence bots.

The reason for the shutdown is that the Chinese authorities are concerned that ChatGPT is filled with political propaganda by the U.S which spreads false information.

No time has been wasted and searches for ChatCPT on Chinese platforms no longer return results and workarounds such as VPNs have been disabled or replaced with a notice stating they have been suspended.

The current predicament that this leaves China in is that they wish to be seen as a force of the world in Technology however the current restrictions by the Government are preventing this.

Apple's New Idea Reaches Proof of Concept Stage

They are arguably the major powerhouse in our day-to-day devices and one of their next ideas may just save lives.

According to a new report, Apple's latest idea of non-invasive blood glucose monitoring technology has made significant progress.

The concept is for the technology to be used in future Apple Watch releases and what the function does is allow diabetics and others to test their blood glucose levels without needing to prick the skin for blood testing.

The report does go on to say the roll-out could be some time away yet but we love how technology is being constantly developed to make lives easier.


We are going back to the crypto section with this one.

If there is anything that should get you determined to do as much research as you can it's the 5600% gain made.

Each day that passes is a day closer to Web3 and mass adoption...billionaires of the future are being born tomorrow.

A $15,000 investment that is worth $80m today with the same investment if sold at the top price could have fetched $230m is certainly the stuff of dreams.

Congratulations Alexis Ohanian


We are left disgusted with this story as it is unfortunately a rug.

fRiENDSiES is a project that minted over a year ago via Dutch Auction which raised a total of $5m.

The project went fairly quiet following the mint with no announcement since September, no community treasury and no P2E game.

All of the above was promised and none were delivered.

On the 22nd of February, the project tweeted that they are putting a pause on the project and all future digital goods.

The Twitter account was deleted following this but has since come back filling the newsfeed with nonsense about market volatility being the reason.

We hope that none of our subscribers has been affected by this rug pull.



The Triple Scoop newsletter or podcast is not financial advice, it is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only.

NFT’s & Crypto are highly volatile assets and can easily witness sharp drops in prices due to changes in narratives and trends.