Have you claimed your Airdrop?💰

Trending Airdrops + How to prepare


GM Scoop Family. We smell Airdrops in the air... Now let's dive in.



🍦 Shopify Users Gain Access to Tezos Following New Partnership

🍦 Do Kwon Update

🍦 Bicycle Partnership with BAYC

🍦 Warner Brothers x Lord Of The Rings NFT

Shopify Users Gain Access to Tezos Following New Partnership

Shopify, the retailing giant that generated $4.61bn of revenue last year, is benefiting from a partnership created between The Tezos Blockchain and Taco.

The partnership allows Shopify users to access Tezos NFTs via Taco's NFT Loyalty programme.

How this will work - The Taco NFT loyalty programs assist brands in strengthening their relationships with consumers, boosting customer engagement and retention. The latest integration of Tezos NFTs would help the blockchain utilize its NFTs to reward customers with a variety of special offers, discounts and experiences.

So who are Tezos? If you have not heard of them, they are an open-source blockchain which can execute peer-to-peer transactions as well as serving as a platform for deploying smart contracts.

Their mission is fairly straightforward, fast transaction speeds combined with low gas fees.

The Blockchain also prides itself on its self-amending network where proposing, selecting, testing and activating protocol upgrades can be done without the need to hard-fork, unlike Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Our Views

Traditionally, Tezos is widely disregarded, the view being that it is a bit of a dead chain.

Their mission is strong and respectable however in terms of size they will struggle to mix it with the big boys.

TVL (total value locked) which is the general method to measure the health of a blockchain further confirms the struggle they will have mixing it with the larger blockchains.

Using Ethereum as an example their TLV stands at $30.42bn whereas Tezos is $40.98m, just the 742 times larger.

Overall, there could be a bit of a surge with Tezos. The platform registered 50,000 transactions per day in the first quarter of 2022 from less than 10,000 per day in January 2021.

The new gateway that Shopify users now have may see a vast increase, but time will tell.

You have heard the phrase shop till you drop, well what about shop to the top?

Do Kwon Update

Ah, our dear old friend Do Kwon, still on the run but we now have a new update.

The prior update received from the South Korean authorities was that Kwon was given 14 days to return his passport before it became invalidated.

The latest, it turns out Kwon left Singapore for Dubai last month and there are over 4400 investors on a Discord group on the lookout.

Our View

It's not quite the Don't F**K With Cats levels of searching however the heavies are involved as opposed to just civilians.

Dubai makes a lot of sense for a move of that nature, he shouldn't stand out too much from the general crowd being a crypto tycoon!

Unfortunately for Kwon, the usual escape to Dubai around this time of year for the nice climate can't be utilised. Although, we imagine catching some rays isn't a priority right now.

Bicycle Partnership with BAYC

Whether you were playing Go Fish with a grandparent as a youngster, Texas Hold'Em with friends or even just Solitaire on your own, chances are you used a deck of card from Bicycle.

The Company founded in 1885 are the largest manufacturer of playing cards, selling 100m decks a year with 20m of those going to casinos.

Well, the 137-year-old company have entered our world by purchasing Bored Ape 1227.

As you will all be aware, holders of Bored Ape NFTs receive full commercial rights to create projects and products based on their NFT.

Bicycle is wasting no time at all utilising those commercial rights as they took to their Twitter to announce they will be making a deck of cards featuring their purchased ape as well as having some big ideas for partnering with the BAYC community.

Our View

We are bullish on this, not just for our IRL poker games getting some fresh cards but more the variety of entries we are seeing in the space.

The full commercial rights use that comes with Bored Apes and Yuga projects generally was a fantastic idea and has no doubt assisted the increased rollout of companies entering Web3 due to the indefinite options available.

Warner Brothers Are To Release Lord Of The Rings As An NFT

It was only recently Warner Brothers partnered with Funko to launch a physical and digital comic book. A bug has been caught and that bug is Web3 addiction.

Another move has been made. Warner has partnered with Eluvio to launch the Lord of the Rings Web3 movie experience. The format is an NFT bundle that includes the extended version of the 2001 movie The Fellowship of the Ring in 4K UHD, over 8 hours of special features, image galleries and hidden AR collectables.

So onto other aspects of the collection: The NFTs will launch on October 21st with a mystery edition priced at $30 and an epic edition available for $100. The latter contains options featuring navigation menus for The Shire, Rivendell and Mines of Moira along with location-specific key art and extra image galleries.

Our View

Lord of the Rings are some of the most iconic sets of films this Millennium. Even though they are over 20 years old it is amazing for us as fans to see them be incorporated into Web3 and in 2022 generally.

Given the weight Warner Brothers have as well as the array of titles produced under their name we expect this bug to turn into a long-term sickness.

As always, NFTs don’t have to be investments, some can certainly be a nostalgia purchase or one that is just for personal pleasure.


If you were to play a game of word association and the word of choice was NFT, you would naturally assume Opensea would feature fairly high in the order.

This is a fair assumption because the market is the largest peer-to-peer exchange. However, where would Reddit feature on the list? breaking news this week shows that the social media company now has a higher number of wallets than Opensea.

This surge has also happened fairly recently too, of the 3 million users that have opened Reddit Vault Wallets, 2.5 million have been since the inception of the marketplace in July.

Our Take

As Reddit is a social media platform they have a strong non-nft related community, 50 million daily users to be precise. Their revenue doubled from $170m in 2020 to circa $350m in 2022.

As the uptake has been strong so far, we expect more bullish movements in its web3 adaption.

Taking the top spot in terms of wallet users... congrats, that's winners status material.


With this section this week, we are going to dive into 3 anonymous stories that in their own right could be REKT.

As always, it's going to be light-hearted and if any of our readers have any anonymous confessions they would like added to this section just drop us a DM on Twitter.

Anyway here are the stories:

  1. We came across a recent confession where an anonymous individual created a project. Members of a community created a secret Discord where there was a plot to take over the project but the individual creator was well aware of it and the core team knew.

2. "Every time my dad FOMO shorts/longs or panic-hedges floating positions, I do the opposite and am very profitable doing so.

3. Spent close to half my father's crypto on NFTs with nearly all of those projects going to zero. Had one lucky break this past month and recouped over 30 ETH to get his stack back. Haven't felt more relieved and stupid in my life


French Fashion House Lacoste finally revealed their NFT PFPs - The Emerge. The Emerge was distributed to holders of the Lacoste Genesis pass, the general consensus from NFT Twitter is that people are pretty hyped with the drop and reveal.

The Floor currently trades at 0.09ETH. What is cool to see for Lacoste is that on their main website they have a tab in the 'We are Lacoste' section that takes you to the 'UNDW3'. This is Lacoste boldly showing their 'Web3' heart on their sleeve and demonstrating despite a bearish market they are confident in their approach to Web3 and taking it seriously.


Is it Airdrop Season? If you are low in starter capital but rich on time and keen to learn then $token Airdrops or NFT airdrops are a perfect way to be profitable in a bearish market cycle. Airdrops are rewarded to users who use/interact with test versions of new protocols and platforms, they often require little capital & can be highly profitable.

Lucky for you, we have found a guide from Thor Hartvigsen that covers what to look out for and how to make yourselves eligible for these drops! Weekend plans covered. Enjoy!


Have you claimed your Airdrop?


Blur is an NFT marketplace & aggregator that claims to be the fastest marketplace on the planet. The platform lets users sweep and list across multiple marketplaces allowing them to manage their portfolios faster than anywhere else.

We have had a play on the platform, and we have to say.. It's impressive. The platform is intuitive, well-presented, and fast. Now we are assuming a few of you have done trading on Opensea before, if you are one of those few then you could be eligible for an airdrop for Blur.

But How?

We have included the link below to the Blur.io tweet that outlines the instructions, but to be honest it is pretty straightforward. Connect to Blurs marketplace with your wallet, and check your airdrop eligibility. If you are eligible, you are then required to list an NFT on their marketplace to receive your Blur care packages. This is the first airdrop from blur but there will also be a second which is based on individual usage of their platform moving forward not the trades you have done previously.

The last time an airdrop like this happened it was from the Looks Rare platform. The Airdrop was worth 4 Figures, so If you are eligible, then don't miss out. Good luck.



The NFT Scoop newsletter or podcast is not financial advice, it is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only.

NFT’s can be highly illiquid markets, causing sharp drops in prices due to changes in narratives and trends.