Ordinals Hit All Time High

Meta goes decentralized.

Today's must-knows across Web3, NFT's & Crypto

GM Scoop Family. You've been missed. Now let's dive in.


⛓️ NFT's

  • Otherside 2

  • Gitcoin launches

  • Lamborghini Concludes NFT Campaign

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» WEB3

  • New Coinbase Service

  • Matchday Raises $21m in Seed Funding

  • Apple Being Apple


  • Binance Fees Confusion

  • New UK Crypto Rules

  • Visa Crypto Card Launches

The Triple Scoop Partners with ShareMint

We are proud to announce The Triple Scoop has become an official Partner of ShareMint.

Sharemint is the leading Web3 affiliate network allowing projects to launch Web3 affiliate programs in minutes.

Check out the video below to discover how you can benefit from using Sharemint just by talking about your favorite projects.

⛓️ NFT's

  • NFT Total Market Cap - $22.13B - 7 day change -2.28%

  • Volume Traded Prev 7 Days - $374.7M -23.29%

NFTs are entering a turbulent time with floor prices dropping rapidly, the market is cooling off from a more buoyant period, and cryptos sell-off just last night only adds to the damage. Be cautious at this time & certainly don't blindly APE into projects right now.

Like always though, with sell-offs, your favorite projects are on sale, and it's a great time to scoop up those blue chips and projects with solid fundamentals & long-term business outlooks.

Some we like:

  • Memeland Ecosystem

  • Azuki

  • Yuga Ecosystem

The Bitcoin ordinals ecosystem is certainly interesting & on our radar for sure. Ordinals go from strength to strength having just hit an all-time high with regard to the number of inscriptions.

With continued interest & innovation in the Ordinals ecosystem + Yuga getting involved it would be smart to get clued up on the narrative.

We have listed a guide below on How to get started with Bitcoin ordinals for your interest.

🍦 Otherside 2 🍦

"Voyagers, get ready to return to Otherside"

It sounds like the start of a ride at a theme park, weirdly however, it brings about the same buzz.

It has been confirmed that the 2nd trip to Otherside is happening on the 25th of March.

The details have not been fully shared but what we do know excites us!

The trip entails an interactive gaming experience where holders will have the opportunity to bring guests.

Priority will be given to those who hold an Otherdeed.

The playable regions will be expanded to allow more of those around the world to participate.

We are certainly excited by this one - check out the blog release here.

🍦 Gitcoin launches 🍦

There is a new NFT in town that is taking the top spot on the leaderboard.

A reason for the focus is the links the project has with Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. 

The project is called Gitcoin and was minted on Wednesday 9th March quickly selling out.

The NFT itself focuses on a 2018 paper about Quadratic Funding where by purchasing an NFT, it grants holders a digital copy of the paper as well as two essays written by the co-founders of Gitcoin.

The project minted at 0.05 ETH and currently sits with a 0.39 ETH floor however there has been some turbulence with the floor reaching a high of 0.7 ETH.

There has been a little bit of heat from the community however as notable NFT collector Machi held 16% of the 9221 item collection and people seem bothered that he has inhaled the collection. You will remember Machi from our last Newsletter of February where he was part of the largest NFT dump ever so there is no surprise that he has the liquidity to hoover.

With 8527 ETH of trading volume, it's been a dominant entrance onto the scene.

🍦 Lamborghini Concludes NFT Campaign 🍦

We have seen a bit of a mixed bag from the motoring companies having a go in our world. From launches on VeVe to cutting mints short there have been plenty of lessons to be learned.

Well, the race is run for now for Lamborghini as they get set to end their NFT campaign with a final drop.

It has been reported that the company is set to conclude with a 60th-anniversary digital collectable as well as airdrops for its most consistent collectors.

The collectable will be made available to anyone who attends any of the IRL events, anyone who visits a dealership via QR code or those who collected two or more NFTs from the 8 drops.

Further details are to be shared.

The company have stressed even though this is the end of the first campaign it is only the beginning of their long-term NFT plans.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» WEB3

🍦 META to create decentralized Social media platform 🍦

Meta formerly Facebook is developing a decentralized social media platform - Code named P92 that is reportedly designed to compete with Twitter after the app has undergone significant changes since Elon Musk's takeover.

The Twitter competitor from Meta will reportedly be an offshoot of Instagram that can be accessed using the same login details.

β€œWe’re exploring a standalone decentralized social network for sharing text updates. We believe there’s an opportunity for a separate space where creators and public figures can share timely updates about their interests,” a Meta spokesperson said.

Everybody is aware of the power that centralized social media giants have over the world. From our perspective, a push to a more decentralized social future is a net positive for the world.

🍦 New Coinbase Service 🍦

Fresh from their little dispute with Binance, marketplace, Coinbase, has launched a new product that could be a key for mass adoption.

The product is called "Wallet as a Service" and the overall objective is to allow companies and brands to easily onboard users into Web3.

The function of the service is to allow users to create and access wallets using a straightforward username and password system i.e without a seed phrase.

Co-founder and CEO, Brian Armstrong, took to Twitter to share the news and the announcement can be read here.

🍦 Matchday Raises $21m in Seed Funding 🍦

A new Soccer/Football game start-up called Matchday has won the virtual world cup with the latest news surrounding their seed funding.

The studio which is working with the Soccer/Football governing body, FIFA, has announced they have raised $21m in seed funding to develop a host of games.

Chief Gaming Office of the company, Sebastien de Halleux, who previously worked for EA has said he "wants the games to be accessible for all and centered around true ownership of digital items that will be a point of pride for all players".

This will not be Matchplay's first dive into NFTs as they released a limited-time mini-game during the World Cup where 2 million NFT player cards were given to 600,000 users.

This is a real positive step to mass adoption within the gaming community.

🍦 Apple Being Apple 🍦

They may be one of the biggest Web2 Technology companies but they are certainly causing a bit of trouble within the Web3 world.

You may remember The company blocked NFTs from being able to be sent on Coinbase Wallet iOS and blocked Coinbase's latest app release until the feature is disabled.

The issue arose due to their stance regarding the 30% fees payable due to the in-app purchase system.

It is being reported that Uniswap is the latest to find itself in a tug-of-war with the tech company as Apple is apparently blocking Uniswap from launching a mobile wallet.

It's one to keep your eyes on for sure as we are certain that more details will emerge from this.


  • Global Cryptocurrency $1.02 Trillion - 24/hour change -0.07%

  • Volume Traded 24/hours - $33.7 Billion +10.38%

Last night, the crypto markets took a beating, and Bitcoin broke another key support level of $20k, and of course when the King tanks, Altcoins bleed and they bleed hard. Bitcoin's sell-off is currently overextended, so we could see a sharp whip back up which would cause ALTs to rally with it, the alternative is that we drop lower down to the $18k range for bitcoin which isn't out of the question.

Like always when there is fear on the streets, buying opportunities arise. We remain bullish on:

  • Tokens Arbitrum Ecosystem

  • Dex tokens

  • Liquid Staking Derivatives

  • Tokens that use ZK roll-up technology.

Thankfully our friends over at The Take Prophet Collective, saw this move coming.

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🍦 Binance Fees Confusion 🍦

Sometimes reporting first does not equal reporting correctly.

A story broke where it was alleged Binance would be waiving all fees for buying Crypto and BTC in March in honour of International Women's Day.

CZ was quick to squash this rumour by Tweeting "not aware I said that...One guy gets it wrong then everyone copies."

The confusion doesn't end there however as a quote from a recent AMA has CZ stating "lastly, today is International Women's Day, Binance is waiving all trading fees up to $600...it's valid through March, conditions apply"

As it transpires, for now, the fees have not been waived but this is an important story in drilling home DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

🍦 New UK Crypto Rules 🍦

The sentiment within the UK changes like the weather, if we aren't getting restrictions from banks, we are getting Mastercard Crypto cards.

The latest weather change is a snowstorm as it is being reported that the Government has made clear plans to regulate Crypto under new "tough" laws this year.

The fear index shoots to 10000 for us here in the UK as we have no idea how tough this may stretch.

We will of course keep you updated as and when we know more.

🍦 Visa Crypto Card Launches 🍦

Only 1 week after Mastercard's Crypto Card was launched, the rival has arisen!

Gate.io has launched the new Visa Debit Card that will offer users a "simple method to convert their crypto assets into fiat for in-store and online purchases"

For now, the launch will be in Europe only so the rest of the world will have to wait.

If you want to join the waitlist to get a card - click here.

If you want to read more about the card and its functions - click here


We love a builder story and there is no example better than this.

Bagman has successfully completed a 1ETH to 100 ETH challenge.

The challenge started in September 2021 and you can see how he did it on this thread.

An incredible achievement - well done!


Those with large platforms that ignorantly mock NFTs with clueless information does nobody any good.

On his latest Podcast, Joe Rogan mocked NFTs stating "why would anyone buy an NFT? I can take a screenshot of the NFT and I have it"

Applying his theory I best print off that canvas of the Mona Lisa and pretend it's the real thing.

We will not be able to have mass adoption with this lack of education being widespread.

He has a huge global audience, including ourselves, so we are pretty disappointed with this one.

You can check out the video here.



The NFT Scoop newsletter or podcast is not financial advice, it is provided for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only.

NFT’s can be highly illiquid markets, causing sharp drops in prices due to changes in narratives and trends.